The Cruda Series by Ana Bravo Opens this week October 30th. Check out the latest work from this Mexican Artist from California. We will have complimentary Sangria and DJ LEYDIS straight from Cuba
Fresthetic Galerîa
560 grand St. Brooklyn
The Cruda Series is something that began before Ana Bravo even really started painting. When She first became interested in Art she used to browse through all the art books at the library and the stuff that called out to her the most in the beginning was Cuban poster art from the 1960s and 70s. She thought it was really beautiful with the bright, bold colors and simple text. visually, it really appealed to her. She didn't know how to silkscreen at the time so she tried to duplicate that style by painting it. She can't pinpoint when sheI first heard about pink elephants…but when Bravo found out that cartoon characters would hallucinate them when they were intoxicated she just knew she wanted to paint them. Bravo always found it amusing that they called a hangover "la cruda" in Spanish. so she just put the two together and painted a little bit of her reality. in art school, her mentor would tell her not to paint flat…it used to really annoy her, but Bravo figured she should probably learn how to paint and draw a proper figure. that's when she started doing all the portraits. while she was in school they used to always tell her to go to the MOMA in SF and write about the work there. Ana Bravo remembers being blown away by this huge paining by Takashi Murakami. and guess what? it was bright pink and completely flat! and since the elephants always seemed to creep back into her work… she decided she would dedicate a show to them and just have fun with painting again…and hopefully get them out of her system…
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