Introducing Pueblo Nuevo Gallery Space

Pueblo Nuevo founders:
Plinio Hernandez y Miguel Perez

Pueblo Nuevo Art Space
1828 San Pablo Ave. #1 (@ Hearst)
Berkeley CA 94702

PUEBLO NUEVO is a gallery/studio in Berkeley, California focusing on silkscreen, B&W photography, and digital media. Founders Plinio Hernandez along with Trust Your Struggle member Miguel Bounce Perez aim to provide an insightful artspace and gallery open for community members to create and exhibit work.
For more info hit us up at

Also please check out and sign up to the PN email list so we can keep you all informed on upcoming art shows and events


Anonymous said...

found your site today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later ..

Lance said...

found your site today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later ..